Large group/ few weapons

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Large group/ few weapons

Postby Djinn aka D » Mon May 19, 2008 3:26 am

My little unit found itself with a large influx of new fighters at the last couple of practices, and we didn't have near enough weapons to supply them. We have since remedied the problem, but if we ever find ourselves in the same situation, does anyone have ideas for battles that can be run with only a few weapons?

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Postby The Great Gigsby » Mon May 19, 2008 4:29 am

Free for all scenarios are probably going to serve everyone the best. Here are a couple of my favorites.

Kill your Killer/Vampire Battle/Highlander/Blahblahblah

This game has a bajillion different names and variations. Free for all game; every man for himself. When you kill someone, they stay dead until you die, at which point they call "alive" and reenter the fray. Winner is the first person to kill every other person without getting killed. Some groups play it where if you kill somebody, you get to regenerate a limb. This game can get chaotic if there are more weapons than people playing.

The Rock Game!

Everyone gets arranged in a full circle and is armed with a single blue weapon. Someone tosses a single rock (class 5) into the center. As soon as the rock lands, the game starts. It's basically a single sword free for all, but the rock adds another layer to it. Once there's only one person left standing, the game restarts. I guess you could replace the rock with a javelin or other weapon, but the rock is the most fun/chaotic.

A variation we had at an old realm that really worked well was to allow multiple people to team up during free for all games, the caveat being that if one person on the team died, everyone else on their team automatically died with them. It didn't happen very often, but when people decided to do it, it generally promoted good teamwork and added another dimension to combat.

Any kind of bearpit will work with fewer weapons than people, as long as everyone's willing to share.

I hope this gets you started.
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Postby bo1 » Mon May 19, 2008 7:49 am

ogre, although i see no point in it.

basically you have the pile of weapons. 1 orge to gaurd them, he gets any weapon he wants. then everybody else trys to get a weapon. hits count as normal.
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Postby varadin » Mon May 19, 2008 8:50 am

At demos we used to do a salad battle. Dumb as hell in my eyes but some people like it. Take every weapon and throw it in the middle. Run in grab a weapon and try and win last man standing wins.

Host a weapon making party. Tell everyone to Get a buddy buy a peice of PvC, a role a blue and a can of dap. Between the two of um its no more then 10 bucks total. Do it outside on a nice day or in a large garage with the door up. Have everyone make a basic blue sword. Hell print out handouts from some of the step by step tutorials and have them there in case your too busy to awnser a question. Each person should have enough left over to make a second blue sword unless they total * up some cuts and butcher the foam.

Another thing is mass produce some loner weapons. go get 3 rolls of blue foam, dap um together (paint roller with a fine grit works nice). Then either cut it or take it to a bandsaw at make a crap ton of sword blanks. buy cores mass produce ext ext.
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Postby Kensman Bam » Mon May 19, 2008 8:57 am

Break up the folks in to 2 teams and work on attack/defend scenarios:

1. Stack the boxes
get 4 boxes or totes and add some weight to them, we used 40 lbs. of dirt, and it's like a capture the flag, but the object is get the other teams boxes on top of one another at the flag.

2. 5 rez battle

2 teams as even as you can make them
Each team will pick 5 to 10 fighters depending on the size of the teams. These fighters will start the fight and as they die they tag out so that they keep five folks in the middle. As they are coming back in, they say their name and what rez they are on. Like if I died, and it was my turn to come back in, I would say, "BAM, 1 rez!"

You keep the designated number of folks in the middle until people go through 5 rez's and then they sit out.

Try those the next time you have a practice!
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Postby Mekoot Rowan » Mon May 19, 2008 10:49 am

I don't remember what it's called, but a battle like the one in "Gladiator" with two people "chained" together.

Either give both of them swords or one a sword and the other a shield.

If one dies or goes down the other can hack off his hand, but still can't use anything in the "chained" arm.

Or a Russian battle where one side has many more men, but only enough weapons for half or a quarter of them. The weaponless can either grapple or wait for a comrade or an enemy to fall.
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Postby savetuba » Mon May 19, 2008 12:02 pm

everyone stands in line. those with a weapon go onto the field and fight till they die. when they die they come back to the line(with weapon over head), give their weapons to the next person in line and then move to the back of the line. Keep the fight contained to a small area.

Worked wonders with only 2 shields, 3 blues, 1 red and a spear. A line of 20 with only 5 weapon combinations means only 5 were fighting at one time and the next in line had to learn how to fight with what he/she got. Depending on the person it seemed one weapon was more powerful (sought after) until someone beat that weapon with a new trick, ie the red was the most powerful until the spear killed the red, then the spear was the most powerful until a shield man rushed the spear and so on in a continuing circle.
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Re: it's temptetion

Postby Satanaka » Tue Nov 03, 2009 3:45 pm

there are a lot of different battle and things you can do.
All are fun in their own way.

here is one- two lines- first two warriors in line face each other- winner stays- loser goes to the back of the other teams line- keep going till no more warriors.

lori7523 wrote:you guys are really tempt me!

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Re: Large group/ few weapons

Postby Yaga Malarque » Tue Nov 17, 2009 11:37 pm

One we did with my High Schoolers was a Mongolian War: Mongolian Wrestling on a battlefield scale. The only downside is this, of course, favours fighters with a size advantage or with wrestling backgrounds.... but I think grappling is an important skill to learn anyways.

Another is called "Squires". You have the Knight and his Squire. Knights start off armed, squires unarmed. Squires are off-limits til their Knight dies and they inherit the knight's weapon. This can be done with two main teams (knights and squires on both sides) or as a partner free-for-all.
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