A New Visit

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A New Visit

Postby Erzebet » Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:27 am

Time had passed. A few years, though none the less richer, and the girl once young in life had aged. Erzebet had been 'the heartless', Ariahn, a nameless figured shrouded on the edge of Shannara. Now she lay upon a return with hope. Battle had been unkind to her, left a taste like vinegar upon her tongue. Perhaps a life outside the sword. But let us digress, and turn toward the future.

Erzebet had no true desire to venture back into Shannara. Many memories there frightened her weak heart. The being was fragile now, seeking only fulfillment. The air would bring back demons to haunt her. She cursed her mortal blood and its ease to chill. Dappled in only the sunshine's favored colors, she wandered the forest on her mare. The cloak was pushed low on her shoulders, and eyes peered, wishing only for a familiar face.

One who might take her to the side of the new Princess, a prior acquaintance. Aislynn.
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Re: A New Visit

Postby semtater » Fri Aug 07, 2009 9:54 am

The forest is a dangerous milady. What might you be doing here alone?

~Semtater, Druid in training
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Re: A New Visit

Postby Erzebet » Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:38 pm

A soft 'o' formed about the maiden's pink lips. Her skin tawny from many days in the sun, a smile as gentle as the breezes about pushed at her cheeks.

"Why, Fair Sir, I believe you fear for myself wrongly. I am quite equipped to handle thieves in the night. My purpose is to locate a land of which I had once been a part of. Shannara. Have you a way of the world about you Fair Sir?"

She did desire to find the correct path, but on her own it might prove difficult. The mare pawed at the ground, desiring to continue forward. She reigned the mount in with a soft pull.
Last edited by Erzebet on Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: A New Visit

Postby semtater » Fri Aug 07, 2009 3:58 pm

"The druid knows his way about the forest. But it is not thieves to be worried about." He states. "Any druid knows to tread carefully. For wild beasts and ancient magicks dwell here."
The young man motions to a near invisible path to the side of the road. "This path here will take you to the nearest city." He said mysteriously, "but you will need guiding, for it is nigh impossible to see,"

"especially with what lies waiting."
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Re: A New Visit

Postby Erzebet » Fri Aug 07, 2009 5:38 pm

A soft smiled was turned to the Druid in gratitude.

"Your chivalry is both noble and gracious Fair Sir. I would ask your accompaniment if it is at all in your abilities. I would be most indebted to you..."

Gently squeezing her thighs, she motioned the Mare forward, down the path the was shown to her by a magick hand. Perhaps fortune would play a tune for her travels to be as radiant as the sun. Her knuckles whitened as she gripped the reigns. Anticipation was driving her mad.
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Re: A New Visit

Postby semtater » Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:24 pm

Traveling on into the night, the brave Druid did his best to keep his wits sharp, and away from the fair maiden while they were needed on the path ahead.

Not much conversation was made, as much as the fair lady tried, but the young lad felt a strangely familiar presence...
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Re: A New Visit

Postby Erzebet » Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:36 pm

Leaning back on her horse, Erz looked high up into the sky. Small glittering specks flickered softly, each a dancing candle piercing the velveteen blue. A yawn stifled just barely by her hand. She had learned that the man was one of few words, and that he preferred his own thoughts to any she had to share. Perhaps for the best. She wanted to find herself safe in an inn, or at the very least, a small clearing with a blazing fire. Yet, instead, cast up in blues, the two continued forward. Her mind wandered.

"How many days travel, Fair Sir... And might I call you by a name? Any name that you would wish me to..."
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Re: A New Visit

Postby semtater » Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:03 pm

The druid hesitated in his step. 'a genuine question?' He thought, 'the fair maiden has shown some sign of intelligence.' For the man had oft met a lady that could chatter on 'till morning whether he was listening or not.

He was hesitant to answer "... My friends call me Sir Tater, though I be no knight. My full name is Semtater the Wizened, though I be not wise..."

"...You may call me Sem... if it you wish." He awkwardly stuttered.

"...And what might I call you milady?"
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Re: A New Visit

Postby Erzebet » Fri Aug 07, 2009 7:49 pm

She smiled shyly, her eyes closed.

"Sir Sem... A pleasure. I am Erzebet. However it suits you to call my name informally would be pleasant enough..."

Knowing well her own husband would not approve of her riding alone into the forest, she felt better with his company. She felt her eyes droop, and slid toward the side of the saddle. Startling she looked up, and righted herself.

"I'm growing fatigued... Might we stop to camp for the night... I have little need for such haste."
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Re: A New Visit

Postby semtater » Fri Aug 07, 2009 8:04 pm

Sem stopped. Not realizing that this lady was not in a rush. Feeling frustrated with the urgent need to get away from what plagued him in this forest, Semtater agreed, "Let us camp within this clearing ahead and you can rest for the night."

They proceeded forward and began to set up camp.Sem started work on a fire. Before starting, he reached up his hand. Then, the most amazing thing happened, two trees literally bent over with loud creaking noises and inserted a small amount of branches into his hands.

After which, the branches broke off into his hand and the trees resumed their formerly silent positions while Sem began to light the fire as if nothing extraordinary had happened.
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Re: A New Visit

Postby Erzebet » Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:03 pm

Stifling a gasp the young maiden lead her horse to water. Had the mare been in a canter she would have been more reluctant, but as no bead of sweat could be found on the horse's coat, it seemed alright. Sipping daintily herself, Erz took water with her mount. A bonding action.

She then returned to the camp. Her mare knew enough not to run off.

"So you control the elements Sir Sem?"
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Re: A New Visit

Postby semtater » Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:06 pm

"The look on your face is one of surprise." Sem replied calmly, "I am sorry if I misled you, but I am no master of the elements... yet."

It is true. That kind of training required years of learning ahead of what he already knew.

He continued, "I, am merely able to communicate with the lifeforms that exist in this environment. I am friendly with the trees, and they lend me their strength and their resources."

Sem demonstrated by gesturing to a tree immediately to her left. It appeared to be growing on it's own, and a minute speck appeared at the end. The branch grew and with it, the speck.

This continued until the end of the branch halted in front of the mare. A bright red apple shined in the firelight. The beautiful horse stood, not knowing what to do with this gesture of friendship.
Our Holy Master will lead us onward! I fight my hardest with my sickle in hand.
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Re: A New Visit

Postby Erzebet » Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:40 pm

A soft glow radiating from the fire and in its light, the golden halo of Erzebet's garments flowed. A slight breeze dancing about, turning and ducking under branches to hide among whispering leave. Had she more voice than awe, she might have cooed in some for of adoration at his skill. Instead she watched silently as her mare stomped in dismay, and nimbly took a small bite from the fruit. The brown eyes of the maiden turned to the man.

"You seem to possess a great skill never the less,"

Her voice was breathless and though the firelight seemed to dance ever so greatly, she remained still. With this pause all turned silent also. It was a breath to regain composure. The silence faded with a whiny from the mare, and another crunch of teeth upon the apple.

"I suppose you think me frail for my lack of magick..."
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