National Unit Charters

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National Unit Charters

Postby Tiberius Claudius » Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:47 pm

How many of the Nat'l units (cross gamers included) out there have some sort of charter detailing organization, authority, voting/grievance processes, RP, garb/identifiers, etc?

If you can speak authoritatively on the subject, I'm interested to hear what you feel is important information to cover, how draconian or lighthearted you feel it should be, how (de)centralized it should be, and anything else you feel is pertinent to such a document.

Thanks in advance.
Remy the Wroth wrote:Just don't call it boffing/boffering. That's not what we do. We fight. With swords. To the sorta-death. I can't stand it when someone says boffering. Plus is means sexin' in the UK.

RIP Surt, Adunakhor of Barad'dun
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Re: National Unit Charters

Postby Brutus » Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:01 am

Henneth-Annun has bylaws detailing pretty much everything mentioned above, including uniform standards and what you can wear while displaying the unit symbol. I know of many other units that are much less strict. There is no correct answer to this question, as much of it depends on how serious you want your unit to be, how much support you will have as unit leader, how much time and resources you have available to spend on unit administration, and the makeup of the members of your unit.

You could take the same group of guys and make a very strict structure and you'd end up with a very different unit than if you just sort of play everything by ear and deal with problems as they arise. One thing that really helps our unit out is that we specify our core values first in our bylaws. That informs every other rule we have. Everything is about promoting those core values. It gives the unit focus.
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Re: National Unit Charters

Postby Tiberius Claudius » Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:00 am

I have to agree with the core values part. I am helping a friend with suggestions for a National unit charter and when I laid out a rough draft, first came the brief overview, then a mission statement, and then the core values. Everything else really seemed to fall into place logically after that, and it was easy peasy to determine what was and was not necessary from there on out.

Thanks for your input
Remy the Wroth wrote:Just don't call it boffing/boffering. That's not what we do. We fight. With swords. To the sorta-death. I can't stand it when someone says boffering. Plus is means sexin' in the UK.

RIP Surt, Adunakhor of Barad'dun
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Re: National Unit Charters

Postby Thumbs » Fri Sep 23, 2011 8:05 pm

We haven't reached national levels, but the Dread Gate Mercenaries have been working on our law book. even at just a local level its been useful, because when a question is asked we have reference (though its been a work in progress, make a rule, try it, tweak as needed)
we tend to keep it pretty simple, you need to wear the symbol of your unit, a sash that identifies your rank, required weapon selection of the unit, and a set of garb that fits unit colors. i think if you have any plans to recruit past your initial start point you should make a standard of rules and expectations. it also help defines what the unit is, how its unique. but the more draconian you get the harder its going to be to keep or recruit more people
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Re: National Unit Charters

Postby Brutus » Fri Sep 23, 2011 9:42 pm

When you guys get something together, feel free to PM it to me. I've been a part of a few units in my day, as well as one of the co-founders of our realm. I'd be happy to give you my perspective on the group you're going to be putting together.
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Re: National Unit Charters

Postby Reverend » Sat Sep 24, 2011 4:20 pm

The Forsaken are pretty laid back about most everything. Part of that is our philosophy that we are more of a family than a fighting unit. Family takes priority above fighting skill.

We expect everyone to be at least competent with every weapon style and have a personal armory that can equip themselves and several others.
You can wear whatever style of garb you want.
If you haven't passed your 5th trial, you have to have something that is red with black trim. This could be a tabbard, a vest, a large belt flag... whatever.
Once you've passed your 5th trial, you need to have something that is black with red trim. Tabbard, vest, belt flag, whatever.
Once you've passed your 10th trial, you can wear the emblem. (tattoo, belt sash, etc.)

New recruits have to have a sponsor. We have rules governing who is available to sponsor people, so that we don't end up with a huge group that doesn't know what's going on. The one-on-one relationship between recruit and sponsor helps integrate people into who we are.

To be available to sponsor someone, you can't already be sponsoring someone, unless your current recruit has already passed their 5th trial.

Everyone has a say in what happens with the unit. Changes, etc. Though our leadership council makes the final decision.

Our Thirteens (leadership rank) make all the decisions, with input from the rest of the unit. In the event that the Thirteens can't reach an agreement, Nash (founder of the unit) makes an executive decision.

We're pretty big on personal responsibility and service to the sport.

Grievances are handled by the people having problems, though anything major gets discussed between the Thirteens and the rest of the unit.

We have two paths to become a full member of the unit. Combat and Non-com. Each has their own trials (though our 1st and 10th trial remain the same for both). We see no difference between doing the non-com or the combat trials. We push our combat path to also work on non-com stuff, and push our non-com path to test themselves via combat. And because we focus on the family aspect, we also push everyone on becoming better people, better contributers to the sport.

Because we're more family than fighting, the only thing that we have written down are the trials (both combat and non-com). We rely on oral tradition for everything else. We have "family" parties. We try to get folks together and spend time outside of Belegarth as much as travel, fundage and time allow.
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Re: National Unit Charters

Postby Teej » Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:36 pm

We have a handbook - its 32 pages of progression, uniform policy, unit-specific rules, bylaws/charter, lore/fluff. We generally keep it to ourselves, but I'm pretty sure I sent you an EARLY copy of it a while back when we were *. It's not a secret, I just like to keep my work off the internet - after having found waivers I had drawn up for the realm on some website that sells documents it finds online. It's available to anyone who asks to see it in person.

In a nutshell...

Atlantis' unit governance is heavily based off early democracy, though we throw "Imperial" in the title. The presence of "Imperial" more so describes our rapid rate of expansion to most realms/chapters/orgs in Florida and our militaristic theme.

The unit is ran by a partnership between Imperial Officials and the Imperial Council. The officials are pretty much the unit's volunteer staff members who keep it running behind the scenes, ie: treasurer, armorer, archivist, harbormaster, beastmaster... All of them have a job related to the upkeep of the unit and/or equipment. The officials work in partnership with the Imperial Council which is comprised of the unit's entire membership. Everyone gets a single vote in all issues from logistical choices to settling intra-unit problems. Anyone can start a motion for change in the unit. As the "Emperor" I'm the only one who can shoot said motions down if I feel they are not in keeping with the unit's purpose/theme/traditions - basically if the unit seems to be headed off the path set for it when it was founded.

Because of our uniform look (armor, weapons/shields, garb) we do attract a lot of people who are in it for the equipment. As a result, we do have a hang around period of 3-6 months while the unit and the potential recruit feel each other out. We offer "citizenship" after we've determined they're around for the right reasons and dependable.

In keeping with a military theme (we have several service members current and former in the unit) we do have a ranking system. The ranking system has a two-fold purpose. The 3 early (enlisted-type) ranks are 100% seniority/skill/adherence. The 3 later (officer-type) ranks are for the purpose of administration and organization - the requirements of enlisted ranks are expected of an officer anyway.

Climbing the early ranks is as simple as attending events, staying in uniform when required (major events - not practices or informal skirmishes with other groups), and progressing as a fighter. Officers are elected by the Imperial Council ONLY and they are required to review the potential officer via checklist - our way of keeping personal feelings out of it. Officers also advance in rank with council approval.

We do have a 7th "elite" rank in our ranking system; however, we currently have no candidates for this rank as they are selected at the Atlantiad (an event we host in Feb); not to mention, following selection, all of their trials must be on national fields.

We have a modular subunit system. Subunits are formed for events only. We tried static subunits prior to the modular system, but found that often times we'd have units show without their officers or officers without their units. So now... we basically have a number of qualified officers and break our unit into 3 or 4 groups per event - the ranking officers get the first option to lead a group. This also allows us to make compatible groups as opposed to regional... ie: a group of fast skirmishers or a group of big/armored dudes - instead of several mixed groups.

Rank is organization; off the field, rank does not mean jack. We're a group of volunteers all coming out to get away from the * of day to day life... we like to consider events vacations of sorts... there is no servitude in the unit.

We generally stay in-state. With the FFA... we have 4 camping events a year, 2 mini-events, and a day battle to fill every month we don't have something going on. We conduct our unit business at these events; three of which are hosted by our unit anyway: the Atlantiad (Feb), the Agoge (June), and the Odyssey (October). Voting, trials, promotions, other ceremonies... all take place at these three major events.

Besides general eventing... we are currently planning a "unit and friends" kayaking trip at Canaveral National Seashore - we're also planning a few yearly grill and chills at Apollo Beach (a private beach campsite - one of the few in FL).
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Re: National Unit Charters

Postby Tiberius Claudius » Mon Sep 26, 2011 9:49 pm

Thanks Rev and Teej, I appreciate your input much.
Remy the Wroth wrote:Just don't call it boffing/boffering. That's not what we do. We fight. With swords. To the sorta-death. I can't stand it when someone says boffering. Plus is means sexin' in the UK.

RIP Surt, Adunakhor of Barad'dun
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Re: National Unit Charters

Postby konradr » Wed Oct 12, 2011 11:12 am

Here is the War Wolf Charter as compiled after input from the Other Shipmaster's of the Brotherhood. We now have 3 ships each in a different realm.



That is Norse for “War Wolves”. It is used as a Battle Cry and as a Greeting amongst War Wolf Brothers. The War Wolves are a Norse fighting unit based on the historical precedent of a Military brotherhood such as the 'Jomsvikings'. We are a Naval Mercenary force consisting of the leaders and crews of Norse Longships based in several Realms. As such we do not differentiate between medieval style fighting organizations. A War Wolf is a War Wolf, unto victory or death, side by side, where ever the will of Odin takes our ships and to whatever fields of battle fate sets before us. We shall not hesitate to feed the Raven's the blood of our enemies, nor shall we fear to feast in Valhalla should we fall. To live the life of a War Wolf you must live by a Norse sense of Loyalty, Honor and Respect. If this sounds like the life of adventure, exercise, and good companionship that you are seeking, then read on...

Hail and a hearty Welcome! I am Konradr Greywolf, Shipmaster of the Longship “Raven's Wind” in the Realm of Barad'Dun. My Bowmaster, and co-founder of the War Wolves, is Oddvar the Terrible. The War Wolves were founded when Oddvar and I retired from the Royal Army of Barad'Dun. With the blessings of the Surt, the late Adunakhor of our Realm, we raised the Wolf Standard. Though a Norse brotherhood, fear not if you are not of Norse blood. We accept all who wish to fight within our ranks. We have amongst our Crew, Norsemen, Celts, Sea Fairies, Orcs, Elves, and Dwarves. Male and female Warriors of all races, creeds and cultures. The one tenet that we insist from all our members and prospective members is that you live and fight by the 'Spirit of the War Wolves' at all times.


These are the very basic tenets of the War Wolves and are sacrosant. No one shall be allowed into the unit who will not live and fight by these commandments sent to us upon a scroll carried by Odin's Raven's.

I. Fight with loyalty to eachother, to the unit, and to your Realm.
II. Fight with Honor at all times.
III. Fight with respect for your comrades, your opponants, your Ship's leaders, your Realm leaders, Heralds and event organizers. Watch your temper! Stay calm and keep a good attitude.
IV. Never leave a brother War Wolf's side if he is under threat.
V. Encourage one another to fight on. War Wolves never run from a fight. Though cunning and guile are as honorable as direct action.
VI. No Douchebags! Yes, I said it. None. Sluffing shots, and acting like a jerk will get you thrown out of the unit. Just smile and chill.
VII. Most of all, Have fun!

There are many kinds of units formed in medieval fighting societies such as the one you are in. Some require many rules to be adhered to before you can be apart. Everything from roleplay, to garb, to ranks are all strictly judged. Other units are based on Martial skills only and stress rules that insist the members learn and exceed in various levels of skills with various weapon's. The War Wolves were formed to be another alternative. We stress loyalty, honor and respect, and we stress fun over any strict guidelines. All you need to be a War Wolf is a good attitude, a basic set of garb and a basic Weapon kit.

If this sounds like how you would like to play your medieval games, and are interested in joining the War Wolves, then seek out a War Wolf ship and tell any crewman that you are interested in becoming a War Wolf.

We actually have 2 ways of joining a the War Wolf Brotherhood. One is to be a War Wolf Brother and the other is to be a War Wolf Blood Brother. The Blood Brother Fellowship is open to fighters from other units who share the same concepts of Honor and wish to serve and fight alongside the War Wolves when they can. Not all ships will have a Blood Brother fellowship, it is up to the individual Shipmaster to form. Each ship will have its own unique charter with its own requirements for its War Wolf crews and Blood Brother fellowship within the Realm it serves. If you are interested in the Blood Brother Fellowship see that section later in this Charter.

If there are no War Wolf ship's in your realm and you would still like to be a War Wolf, see the section on “Raising a War Wolf Ship and Crew.”

Before the War Wolves can consider your wish to join, we must know you. You must have been fighting with the Realm you are in for at least a month with regular attendance on your part. This gives us a chance to determine your character and what kind of fighter you are. Personal reputation and the reputation of the unit is as important to us as it was to our the Medieval Norse forerunners.
If we have had time to get to know you and your character, then your request will be taken to the Shipmaster in your realm. He/she will hold a vote of extant War Wolves. He will ask for them to discuss what they think of you and then ask for a “Aye” or “Nay” vote. If the majority of votes are “Aye” then the Shipmaster will give you the War Wolf 'Initiate' Sash. This is a rectangular Red sash with Gray wolf marks on it. The Shipmaster will inform you that you will be on a probationary period of 30 days in which the War Wolves will again observe you and your behavior.

During this probation you will perform any duties, traditions or expectations of a War Wolf. You will be judged on how you exemplify the tenets of the War Wolf Spirit. At the end of this probationary period the Shipmaster will again call upon the War Wolves to vote on your behalf. Any vote of “nay” will need a good explanation for such. Should the vote be 50/50, you will be given another 30 day probationary period. Should the vote be negative you will asked to return the Initiate sash and told the War Wolves have not accepted you. You will accept this and continue to be apart of the realm and hope you can one day earn a second attempt at joining. If you argue, loose your temper or make angry accusations, you will be ignored and dismissed forever by the War Wolves.

If the majority vote is “Aye!” Then “Welcome to the War Wolves!” Three cheers: HUZZAH! HUZZAH! HUZZAH!

You must now read and sign, in blood, the “Oath of Brotherhood” Remember, Norsemen do not sign an Oath lightly. If you do not wish to live and fight with Loyalty, Honor an Respect, now is the time to say so and leave. Remember Odin is watching with his good eye, and can read the truth in the heart of the Warrior.


I ________________ swear in blood that I
will uphold the spirit of the War Wolves
in all my conduct and deeds.
I will fight for honor, glory, riches, and fame
but above all else, for my brother's, for
my unit, for my Shipmaster and for my Realm.

May I be struck down in shame and be
banished to the cold, heartless wastes of
Jotunheim, should I breach this Oath
in anyway, for any reason.

Praise be to the Allmighty Gods for
giving me the Honor to serve with
the War Wolves!

Sign in blood:____________________
Put mark here:__________________

Your Shipmaster will now present you with the Sacred gray sash of the War Wolves. Wear it with pride. Keep it clean and presentable. Never forget your Sash. If anyone despoils your sash in anyway, challenge them to a Norse Duel if they be honorable and teach them a lesson in Norse manners.
Now welcome your new brother with open arms, a handshake or a Norse duel challenge!

So, now your a War Wolf, what's next?

It is each War Wolf's responsibility to equip himself with a set of basic garb and a basic weaponry. Any awards, and ranks earned by the War Wolf are also their responsibility to purchase or make and affix to the sash or garb or display in any way they wish. It is not a rule, but War Wolves are encouraged to have either a War Wolf tabard (gray with red wolf marks on the chest and shoulder trimmings in fur) or War Wolf Shield cover that can be worn when the unit is fighting together. Brother's are also allowed to put a personal colored trim next to, but not obscuring the border trim chosen for the Sash. In addition, as Norse love to Boast of their present on any field of battle or encampment, it is encouraged that War Wolves make a Personal banner or badge they can display as a banner, pennant, or shield cover.

Each Shipmaster will now assign you a position on his Ship. All crewman on a Norse ship are considered equal, but some are given leadership positions as the Shipmaster see's fit. The positions on a Longship and their duties as follows:

1. Shipmaster: This is the Captain of the Ship and the Leader of her War Wolf crew. He is the paymaster, the roster keeper, the Sash giver, and has the final say over any issues concerning the ship and crew. He is leader of the 1st Watch.
2. Bowmaster: This is the 2nd officer of the ship. His duties are those of the Shipmaster if the Shipmaster is incapacitated, drunk, missing, or dead. He is the leader of the 2nd Watch.
3. Helmsman: The First Rating, 3rd in command of the ship. He is the ship's Navigator and leader of the 3rd Watch.
4. Quartermaster: The 2nd Rating, 4th in command of the ship. He is the Ship's store clerk, the armorer, the carpenter, the camp leader and 3rd Watch Chief.
5. Sailmaster: The 3rd Rating, 5th in command of the ship. He is the 2nd Ship's Helmsman/navigator, and Chief Sailor. He is the 2nd Watch Chief.
6. Senior Crewman: The last in the line of command. He is the 1st Watch Chief.
7. Crewman: Ship's crew, divided between Watches. Sail, Row, and fight, the heart of the Unit.


The War Wolf Sash is the one piece of garb that will have that modern concept of 'Uniformity'. As such they will be provided by each Shipmaster to his crew and sewn along the following guidelines.

1. The sash blank will be cut from Gray duct cloth and be 21” long by 7” wide with a 3” dagged bottom.
2. The blank will then be sewn with a colored border. The default color for the War Wolves is 'Red'. However each ship may add a different border color if they wish. In addition. Each person receiving the sash may add a personal colored trim inside the uniform border if they wish.
3. 3” of the top will be folded over and sewn for a belt loop.
4. The red outline of 4 Wolf Marks will be placed aprox. 1” below the belt loop sew line.
5. The 5 to 6 inches of area below the Wolf Marks and above the dagged end, will be used for the Ship badge chosen by the Ship's Crew and may be any size or shape as they deem fit.
6. A colored triangle, diamond, circle or additional border trim will be used on the Dagged end to make easy identification of the Brother's Ship Position. These colors are as follows:
a. Shipmaster = Gold.
b. Bowmaster = Silver.
c. Helmsman = Blue.
d. Quartermaster = Green.
e. Sailmaster = Yellow.
f. Senior Crewman = Black.
g. Crewman = Red.
7. Any Rank symbol the crewman has earned may be placed within the
the center of his Ship Position colored area on the dag.


This is the sacred 4 blood marks across the top of the unit sash. When issued the sash the marks will be in outline only. To fill these with blood you must earn it by hunting and killing the Wiley old Wolf in its lair.

Any wolf Brother or Blood Brother may challenge the Wolf if he has not earned his blood marks yet. The challenge is always held on the 1st Practice of the Month. The challenge may be made once each month until the Brother has killed his wolf. The challenge may be 'Postponed' only if the Shipmaster or one of his Officer's or Ratings concludes there is not enough time or necessary talent available at the practice to conduct said challenge.

The ultimate challenge is to have a top Realm or Wolf fighter deploy as the Wolf, at night, in an area that is obscured by obstacles to allow the wolf to hide. Praise be the practical nature of the Norse, any roped off tree's , and daylight, etc may be used instead.

The Wolf is considered fully armored and is armed with two daggers. The daggers may be blue only or blue/green. If the Wolf looses one dagger, he may not pick it back up. If he looses his second, he may pick one dagger back up.

The Challenger is not armored, and must fight with either a spear or a javelin and a “bladed” sidearm. He is allowed two tries to kill the wolf and must kill it on one of those tries to earn the blood marks.

All fighting rules of your society apply to the Wolf fight.

Javelin's may be thrown but if they fly out of the border's of the Wolf's lair, they are lost. The wolf can not pick up the javelin and use it. The wolf; however, can grab a Javelin and hold it for a 2 second count and then it is considered broke. NOTE: If the wolf has to throw down a dagger to do this, it looses the dagger. Javelin's on the ground may be “Broken” by the Wolf if he taps it with both daggers and announces it is “Broken”.

The Wolf may also attempt to trap the Spear, but it can not break it and as noted, if it throws down a dagger to do so, it can not be retrieved.

If the Wolf and/or Hunter has no weapon's, they may attempt to kill eachother by Grappling. To win, they must force both opponants shoulder's to the ground and hold for a “Three second” count.


The unit Battle Standard resides in Barad'Dun. It is a Ship's mast topped by a Wolf's face and tail. (Someday to be the real thing instead of a Fox's)

Each Ship is encouraged to have a Battle Pennant and Camp Banner. These Can be of any design or color; however, a corner or section must contain the Gray of the War Wolves with 4 Blood Marks on it. Your Ship's symbol may be displayed as you wish.

Each ship may have its own pennant of any make and design.

Each and every War Wolf may have a personal banner or pennant and shield cover with colors and badges of their choice.


Ship positions are assigned for leadership of the ship and crew at sea, in camp and in battle. Other than that, all Brother's are considered equal and there is no reason for salutes, bowing, or special titles as in old Norse traditions. Though the Senior Shipmaster has the final say in all matter's concerning the War Wolves, and each Shipmaster has the final say on his ship, Voting will take place amongst all War Wolves on major issues concerning the unit and/or the Ship.

Some minor issues such as sash dimension's etc, may be reduced to just the leadership position's voting. However, it is advisable for Shipmaster's to ask the opinion's of their entire crew on any matter. It is the Shipmaster who ultimately decides if a War Wolf vote is required.

Major changes to the War Wolf charter will always be put forth to the Wolves at large, but again, after taking in all considerations, it will be the Senior Shipmaster who makes the final decisions.

Voting will always be amongst the entire War Wolf ship's crew when it comes to someone joining or someone being removed.

Shipmaster Veto. The Shipmaster may Veto any vote he consider's damaging, even if the majority of the War Wolves vote for it. He must state why he is vetoing said vote.

Crew Veto. The crew can Veto any decision by the Shipmaster if every member of the War Wolf crew vote “aye” against the Shipmaster. Any member of the Crew may ask for a “Crew Veto Vote” and the Shipmaster must allow it. If he is Vetoed the Shipmaster must pass the resolution as the Crew see's fit.

Voting is by Ship Position's, The following is the breakdown of Votes allowed per position:

1. Senior Shipmaster = 3 votes.
2. Senior Bowmaster and all other Shipmasters = 2 Votes.
3. All other Crewmen = 1 Vote.


That's Blasphemy! We shall strive for the day that there is a War Wolf Longship in every Realm of every fighting society!

Seriously, if you are a War Wolf and you move to a Realm with no War Wolves present, or if you live in a Realm with no War Wolves and you are interested in living the life we have outlined here in this charter. You can do one of two things, you can either forget about being a War Wolf and find some other unit to join, or you can raise your own ship and form a War Wolf crew in your Realm.

To raise a War Wolf ship, you must first petition me, Konradr Graywolf, as Senior Shipmaster of the War Wolves. ( or via the Barad'Dun forums at Read the Charter carefully and understand it. Then petition me and state your desire to raise a ship and a crew. You must have the name of a ship picked out, and you or someone who is joining with you must accept the responsibilities of being the Shipmaster. I will send you Sash blanks, a Wolf mark stencil and a copy of the Oath to be recopied as many times as you need.

Once you've been given permission to raise your ship, announce it at your realm and begin recruiting with Charter in hand. Do not fill your ship positions until you have had time to get to know your crew. Then assign positions of leadership first. Create a ship's badge and banner for your ship, let each crewmember join in the creation, and have fun.

Keep the Ship's roster and a list of awards, ranks and achievements for your crew and post me updates from time to time.

At present the War Wolf fleet consists of 3 Longships each in a different Realm and we hope to grow to an almighty Norse Host!


War Wolf ranks exist for those with the fine sense of Norse Pride who wish to show the world the Bling they have earned as War Wolves. Though living by a code that honored Strength, Courage, loyalty and prowess in marital skills, reputation was a paramount importance to the medieval Norse. They loved to show off and be noticed. They especially liked shiny Silver things. Thus the War Wolf ranks are all shown as Silver badges.

It is not necessary for a War Wolf to have ranks. The first rank is given, and if this is all one wants to show, this is acceptable. Ranks are personal achievements only and does not represent the earning of a special position or status other than personal boasting.

These ranks are listed as follows:

1. Wolf Fighter: Silver Shield.
2. Wolf Skirmisher: Silver Sword.
3. Wolf Warrior: Silver Spear.
4. Norse Berserker: Silver Axe.
5. Hero of Valhalla: Silver Thor's Hammer.


To Earn a rank you must meet all the requirements and then pass any fighting challenges.


This is the Basic Rank of all War Wolves. It is given upon completion of the 30 day probationary period.


Requirements: Basic Garb, War Wolf Tabard, Two Weapons owned or one weapon and one shield. Three months as a Fighter.

Challenge: Fight a successful Norse Duel with a fighter chosen by general vote of the Unit. (The opposing fighter does not need to be from the brotherhood but it is preferred).

NOTE: See the description of a Norse Duel below the Rank Challenges.


Requirements: Decent Garb, (determined by Shipmaster) Three weapons of different types and one shield. Do a 3 Minute Weapon' Dance, (like shadowboxing) or recite/sing a medieval, or medieval like, Poem, song or story. Perform in front of all War Wolves present. Three months service as a Skirmisher.

Challenge: Defeat 2 opponants with the same weapon's class and weapon kit, as challenger chooses.

Requirements: Decent Garb, (as determined by Shipmaster), three basic weapons, and a shield. One weapon or shield donated to either the unit or Realm. Volunteer to Herald or Weapon's check at practice. (witnessed by another War Wolf) Bring a case of Water to practice. (witnessed by another War Wolf). Do a 4 minute Weapon's dance (like shadowboxing) or recite a Medieval or Medieval like, poem, song or story in front of all War Wolves present. Six months service as a Warrior.

Challenge: Defeat 3 opponants, two of whom must be armed in the same weapons and weapon set as the challenger and one must have a bow or pole arm and one may carry a javelin as well.


requirements: Decent Garb, (as determined by the Shipmaster), Must include fighting garb, camp garb and a feast outfit. One Weapon of every type either for personal use or as unit or realm loaners. These include a blue, a green, a red, a yellow and a white. One or more shields. Must volunteer to herald or Weapon's check one practice a month. (Witnessed by a War Wolf) Must supply food or drink to a practice at least once a month. (Witnessed by a War Wolf) Do a 5 minute Weapon's dance (Like shadowboxing) or recite 2 medieval or medieval like poems, songs or stories in front of all present War Wolves and any Realm members who will sit to listen. Must Host a Tournement for the War Wolves and provide an award for the winner. Six months service as a Berserker.

Challenge: Fight and invading Orc band. The Challenger can fight with any weapons and may wear armor. The Orc's consist of 6 Brutes. One is the leader and armed with any weapon kit he wishes, to include armor and shield while the 5 followers are armed only single blue. Good Luck mighty Hero of Valhalla wannabe.


A War Wolf may challenge another War Wolf to a Norse Duel as a matter of Honor or Competition. No War Wolf may refuse a Norse Duel if time permits during the practice. It is permissable for the challenged War Wolf to ask for a postponement to another time. Either or, The challenger may publicly boo the challenged and throw rocks at him, as may any other War Wolf, but in fun only. The Shipmaster, or one of the Ship's officers or Ratings, may decide the time and place for the duel or deferment thereof, depending on time and attendance at a practice.

The duel is normally fought with matching weapons and a medium sized, round punch shield. The blue weapon of choice is usually the sword or axe, but may be any other weapon of which there are matching examples. Special Duels may be fought with Red's, such as the Danish Axe, or spears, or javelins or even without weapons, a duel of Norse Grappling (Glima wrestling).

The duel is fought on a Rectangular or square 'Hide'. It was called a hide because they often used leather hides to mark off the area. The fighters had to stay upon the hide, if they stepped off they were considered cowards. Our 'hide' will consist of a staked out square of rope that will be between 8 and 12 feet depending on the type of weapons used. For most blue only fights it will be the 8 foot square, where as the spear fight might be the 12 foot hide.

The Duel is considered to “First blood” and thus is fought on points. Basic challenges, round robbin and elimination tournement duels will be to 5 points. Rank, final Tournement and Master Challenge duels may be from 10 to 15 points. The first fighter earning all the points wins.

The fight begins with each fighter on guard on his side of the hide. There must be 2 Herald's for the fight. They will keep score by committee. Calls should only be addressed to a herald if honor can not be determined. However, if a question arises, it would serve to do over the point rather than need a herald to decide. The fight will be scored as follows:

Any legal hit to a leg or the body is one point. The herald will stop the fight and the fighter's will reset.

Any legal hit to either arm, the target must announce “Arm!”. The herald will have the fighter throw down his shield and then reset the fighters and call “lay on”. NOTE: It is not necessary to abandon the arm that was hit. Only the shield must be abandoned. The fighter may hold the blue in whatever hand he wishes. It is not necessary for the opponant to abandon his shield as well. It is an advantage he has earned. However, he may do so if he wishes. A second arm hit in either arm is considered a point and the fight is stopped and reset.

Multiple hits after the first hit will be ignored.

Simultaneous hits will be ignored and refought. The fighter's may ask the Herald for a determination of a simultaneous hit, but it is best they agree upon it amongst themselves and opt to refight for the point.

Fighters must keep their feet within the hide. If a foot steps completely beyond the rope. The herald should stop the fight and award a point to the other fighter. All spectators should '”BOO” the offending fighter loudly and call him a 'Coward' and, if available, should throw 'Rocks' at him. The fighter can not step back onto the hide until his opponant allows him to do so to regain his honor.

There is no grappling of any kind in a Norse Duel.

There is no Shield Bashing, but Shield checks with the front or edge are allowed. If a shield check causes the fighter to be knocked off balance so that he steps one foot beyond the rope, the herald will stop the fight and award a point to the shield checking fighter. The other fighter is treated as if he stepped out of the hide.

If an illegal hit is made to the neck or head, the fighter should say “head”. The herald will stop the fight and award a point to the player as long as the herald or a majority of the spectators agree the hit was made. The spectators should then “BOO” the offending fighter loudly for his display of sloppy fighting. The offending fighter should appologize to the spectators and his opponant and and promise to fight better. The non-offending fighter has the right to take the point or he may refuse it and wish to refight for the point. It is suggested that the final point never be won on such an illegal hit.

If a weapon flies out of a fighter's hand, the herald will stop the fight and award the opponant a point. The spectators should “BOO” the offending player loudly at his lack of control of his Weapon. The offending fighter must ask the Spectators and his opponant if he may pick his weapon up and continue to fight.

No armor shall be counted during a Norse duel.


Members of the Unit may attempt Master Challenges at the rate of one Challenge once a practice starting on the second practice of the Month. You must approach the Shipmaster or one of his officer's or Ratings and ask if you may attempt a challenge. Challenges should be conducted towards the end of practice and only if the Shipmaster or his the officer/rating believes they have the time, materials and requisite personnel to conduct the challenge. Challenges may have to be postponed if any of these prerequisites do not exist on the day in question.

Unit members challenge for Master when they want to be awarded with visible recognition of a weapon class proficiency. The awards can be a colored belt tassel or a painted, Velcro or pin back metal symbol that is placed on a belt sash, a belt ribbon, a Vestment or over the shoulder sash, or on the Tabard or the War Wolf's personal banner.

SWORD MASTER: Single blue sword.


1st: Defeat 2 opponents armed single blue only with no armor.
2nd: Win a Norse Duel to 15 points with an opponant chosen amongst the War Wolves, by the War Wolves, single blue only.
3rd: Defeat a Chosen Warrior (as voted/chosen by all present War Wolves) who fights in whatever kit he wishes, and is considered fully armored, 2 out of 3 fights. Challenger fights single blue.

Award: Blue Tassel or Blue sword Symbol.

AXE MASTER: This award is for fighting with a hand axe, both as a Single blue and with Shield.


1st: Defeat 2 opponants, one armed single blue, the other with a spear, while challenger is fighting Single Axe only.
2nd: Win a Norse Duel to 15 points with an opponant chosen amongst the War Wolves by the War Wolves, both fighter's armed with Axe and Shield.

Award: Copper Tassel or Copper Axe symbol.

SHIELD MASTER: The shield to be used is preferrably the Norse Round shield with a punch grip or strapped.


1 st: Challenger faces off against a chosen warrior armed with a single blue in a 12 foot circle or square. Challenger has only his chosen shield. Challenger must fight for 2 minutes without being killed.
2nd: Shield Push: mark out a square or two end lines about 6 to 8 feet apart. The challenger has a shield of his choice. 8 opponants are chosen by the War Wolves with shields. Each opponant will face off against the Challenger one at a time. Each fighter steps to the center of the marked off area. They must be within shield touching distance of eachother but they do not press the shields against eachother until the herald calls '”Lay on”. Once lay on is called the fighters slam the shields into each other and attempt to push the opponant across his end line. The Challenger must defeat 5 of his opponents.
3rd: Norse Duel to 10 points with an opponant chosen by the War Wolves. The fight is with Norse Shields only. The opponants attempt to knock eachother off balance or out of the hide. If at any time either fighter touches any part of their body to the ground other than their feet, or if they step at least one foot or are pushed at least one foot outside of the hide, a point is earned. No running/charging shield bashing is allowed, all moves must be shield checks.

Award: Gold Tassel or Gold shield symbol.

SPEAR MASTER: Any Spear of 5 feet or more. May fight two handed and have any sidearm, or one handed and a shield.


1st: Defeat 2 unarmored opponents, One of whom is armed with a pole arm, no sidearm, the other with a single blue, no shield.
2nd: Norse Duel, Spears only. 12 foot hide, 10 points, opponant chosen by War Wolves. No shields are used, but each fighter may carry a sidearm. The one arm rule still applies. If pierced in an arm. Call “Arm” The herald will stop the fight while the fighter puts that arm behind his back. The fight will then continue with the arm wounded fighter wielding his spear with one hand. Pierces to the leg or body counts as one point. Spear pushes or checks are allowed, but should be done with safety of opponant in mind. If the spear is dropped completely from the hands, a point is awarded to the opposing player.
3rd: Defeat a Chosen Warrior, voted for by the War Wolves from amongst themselves or Realm Warriors, with kit of his choice and considered fully armoured. Challenger may be spear and sidearm and shield plus may wear armor if he has it.

Award: Green Tassel or Green Spear symbol.

FLORENTINE MASTER: Any two weapons used, one in each hand. No shield in hand, but a back shield or strapped buckler is okay.


1st: Defeat 2 opponents one of whom is Florentine, the other armed with any non-missile weapons and may have a shield.
2nd: Norse Duel, both opponants are florentine with at least one sword and any other blue weapon except a flail. Fight is to 15 points with all normal rules including loss of first arm.
3rd: Defeat a Warrior chosen by the War Wolves who may fight in any kit and is considered fully armored. Challenger must fight florentine and may wear armor if he owns it, and may wear a back shield or strapped buckler.

Award: Purple Tassel or Purple crisscrossed swords symbol.

RED MASTER: Any Dag legal two handed 4 to 8 foot red. Weapon can not be used to stab with.


1st: Defeat 2 opponents, one of whom must be wielding a Red, the other a blue and shield.
2nd: Norse Duel, minimum Red only. That is a 4 foot weapon and preferably a Danish Axe but may also be a two handed sword or a glaive. Fight is to 15 points. Hide is 12 feet square. First Arm hit rule still applies. Pole arm pushes are allowed but should be done with safety of opponant in mind. Sidearms may be carried, but no shields.
3rd: Defeat a Warrior chosen by the War Wolves who must fight with a Red and may have a back shield or strapped buckler and a side are. He is also considered fully armored. Challenger must fight with a Red and may wear armor if he owns it, and may wear a back shield or strapped buckler but no sidearm.

Award: Red Tassel or Red two handed sword symbol.

DAGGER MASTER: A single Dagger only, blue or green/blue. Maximum length of dagger is 12”.


1st: Defeat 2 street thugs armed with single daggers as well.
2nd: Norse Duel to 15 points with single daggers only. All other rules still apply.

Award: Gray Tassel or Gray dagger symbol.

MASTER ARCHER: A bow and arrows set legal to your fighting society.


1st: Hit a moving target, 2 out of 5 Arrows, at 20 feet, target must walk, can not evade, on a straight line between two points.
2nd: Hit a 24” +/- Round Shield 5 out of 5 shots at 10 feet, sitting or kneeling. 15 for 15 shots at 10 feet, standing. 10 for 10 at 30 feet, standing. And finally, 5 for 5 at 40 feet, standing.
3rd: Defeat 2 opponents on an open field one of whom is an Archer, the other a shieldman with a blue. Challenger may also have a blue sidearm and a back shield or strapped arm buckler.

Award: Yellow Tassel or Yellow Bow and Arrows Symbol.

MASTER JAVELINEER: A set of 4 to 7 foot javelin's legal for your fighting society.


1st: Hit a moving opponent 2 out of 5 at 10 feet. Target must walk a straight line between two points and can not evade.
2nd: Hit a 24” +/- Round Shield 10 out of 10 at 5 feet, and 5 out of 5 at 20 feet.
3rd: Must catch a Javelin cleanly that has been thrown at him from 10 feet, and then return the throw and hit the original thrower with a kill or gimp shot, three times in a row without dropping javelin.
4th: Defeat 2 opponents. Challenger and Opponents armed with javelin’s only.

Award: Black Tassel or Black Javelin Symbol.

MASTER STONE SLINGER: Legal rocks or hand thrown missiles of your fighting society.


1st: Hit the head of a living target 5 out of 5 times at 5 feet while target is standing still.
2nd: 2 out of 5 times at 5 feet while target is walking back and forth between two points.
3rd: 2 out of 5 at 10 feet while target is standing still.

Award: White tassel or white rock or sling symbol.

GLIMA MASTER: The Norse had their own traditional Wrestling syle called “Glima” which they used for competition as well as combat training.


1st: Challenge is fought within an 8 foot 'Hide'. A warrior chosen by the War Wolves is the opponant. A hand axe is placed in the center of the hide. Fighter's start from either end of the hide. When Lay on is called they fight for the weapon to kill one another with it. If either steps or is pushed off the hide, the fight is restarted. The challenger must win.
2nd: Challenge is on an 8' foot hide with an opponant chosen by the War Wolves. The opponant has a blue weapon of his choice, other than a flail, the challenger has none. Rules as in the first challenge.
3rd: Glima Duel. The Challenger will fight 3 opponants, chosen by the War Wolves, to a 5 point duel each. He must win each duel.


Opponents place arms about eachother, each with one arm over one of the opponants arms, and one arm under the other of his opponants arms. Hands must be clasped at the back. Opponants look over eachother's right shoulders. This is the position they start in.

At “Lay on” the fighters attempt to win points as follows:

1. making their opponant touch the ground first with any part of the body other than the soles of the feet.
2. Forcing the opponant to step with both feet outside of the hide boundaries or any part of his body.
3. All throws must be controlled.
4. A fighter may unclasp hands but must retain a grip on his opponant or opponant's garb. No penalty should one grip come off but if both grip's are lost the fight is stopped an a point is awarded to opponant.

Award: A tassel of intertwined red and gray or the silver symbol of a Bear.

In addition to these many challenges, there will be tournements and other challenges for fun and as tests of fighting skill with tokens awarded by whichever War Wolf is hosting the event.


Each War Wolf ship and crew in another Realm may choose, if desired, to form a War Wolf Blood Brother Fellowship from amongst other Realmmates.
The fellowship gives a member of another unit to join in the cameraderie of the War Wolf fraternity without issues of Loyalty. War Wolf Blood Brother's would always fight with their parent unit's, even against the War Wolves, and thus no loyalty issues exist. Such is the nature of Norse Honor.
The Fellowship, however, allows Blood Brother's to take the field and augment War Wolf numbers when not facing their primary units. Blood Brothers are also welcome to attempt the Rank challenges and Mastery Challenges, as well as join in any events, practices, or tournements hosted by the War Wolves. Blood Brother's are always welcome at War Wolf camps and to use War Wolf Armoury weapons and gear.
Each Shipmaster may decide how a Blood Brother may join the Fellowship. In Barad'Dun, since Blood Brother's have already been proven by their membeship in another unit, they are allowed to join without a probationary period.
Once allowed to join, the Blood Brother must then read and sign the Oath of Fellowship. Upon signing that, he is awarded a simple, 15” long by 6” wide, gray Rectangular sash with the outlines of the 4 Wolf marks by his Shipmaster and place on the scrolls as a Blood Brother but is not given a position on the ship.

He must earn the blood fill in the challenge of the Wolf like any other War Wolf.
If any Blood Brother at any time decides to leave his primary unit, he may apply to the Shipmaster to be a full Wolf Brother. It is the Shipmaster's decision weather the Blood Brother would have to go through the probationary period, but in my opinion it should not be necessary.


I_________________ Swear in blood, that I will uphold the spirit of the War Wolves in my conduct and deeds for as long as I remain a War Wolf Blood Brother.
I will fight for glory and honor, for riches and fame, but above all else, for the Honor of being in Fellowship with the my War Wolf Blood Brothers.

May I be shunned by my Blood Brothers, the War Wolves, my own Unit, and the people of this Glorious Realm if ever I break this Oath for any reason.

Praise be to the Gods, for giving me the Honor to Serve alongside the War Wolves in the Ranks of the Blood Brother Fellowship!

Sign thy name________________________________________

Place your Mark below:


Whereever a ship of the War Wolves serves, it should always be considered one of the most trusted, and honorable units within that Realms boundaries. We do not pillage and plunder on our own soil.
We shall never waiver in our duties nor in our belief's of Loyalty, Honor and Respect for eachother, for our Unit and for our Realms. We shall be the rock they anchor on in times of turbulance, and we shall support the realm's in any fight we are apart of. Let all know, if a War Wolf stands by your side, he stands to fight with you to the end, either Victory or Death.
Shall we face eachother in a Realm battle, we shall do so with honor and respect to one another. And let the Raven's be happy that they shall feast well that day on Noble blood.


This Charter is considered a living document and may be ammended at times by the vote or the War Wolves or decision of the Senior Shipmaster. A copy of the Charter will be carried by the Shipmaster's at all times. A posted Charter will be available for all War Wolves to read and for any potential War Wolf candidates.

Konradr of Barad'Dun
Senior Shipmaster of the War Wolves,
Defender of Barad'Dun,
Scallywag of the Seas.
Posts: 90
Joined: Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:23 am
Started Fighting: 08 Apr 2009
Realm: Barad dun
Unit: Royal Army of Barad dun
Favorite Fighting Styles: Sword, Flail & Axe

Re: National Unit Charters

Postby Mekoot Rowan » Sun Oct 23, 2011 12:39 pm

The abridged Horde Charter and Bylaws can be found here:

Murder Tundra Horde
Spike wrote:This is the funniest thing I've ever read on these boards and the rest of you are bad at things generally, too.

Tiberius Claudius wrote:I don't get cosplay. It's like a weekend-long Halloween in a hotel where everyone gets the herp, but there's no candy.
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Mekoot Rowan
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Location: God's Country
Started Fighting: 15 Oct 2001
Realm: Frozen North
Unit: Murder Tundra Horde
Favorite Fighting Styles: Southern Praying Mantis

Re: National Unit Charters

Postby Galya » Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:30 pm

Best unit charter ever. :D :goblin:
Galya Grikhunter, former Belegarth Secretary, Horde Commander, and War Council representative.
Still an admin though, because people trust me or something. ;)
Blood Valley HoRdE: Massacring the Midwest since 2004

Forkbeard wrote:So, you can't decide if that is Galya or Par? I have to admit, I mistake Par for an old woman regularly. But Galya is a beautiful and intelligent lady. I'd never mistake her for him.
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Pronouns: She/Her

Re: National Unit Charters

Postby bo1 » Tue Nov 01, 2011 4:06 pm

hydra has the seven virtues, laying out our code of values. these are in line with the seven virtues in the bible. we have altered them to suit our needs and scope.

we also have the 5 rules, they are
1 dont be a chode
2 take your hits
3 never cause a scene on the field
4 drama llamas need not apply
5 Dont be a Chode!!!

we have commanders, 5 of them, they can all take petitioners, i am high comander, kayle is lord. i take field control, kayle has administration control. comander all vote on if a member is to get in, any no vote means they dont get in. we also take the time when a no vote happens to explain why and give the eprson a chance to improve that area.
Sir Beauregaurd Brutus Elevo
Knight of Rhun
High Commander of
Clan of the Hydra
That's Mr. Implacable to you.
If you disagree disrespectfully, the boards are a much better read.
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The Nightbringer
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Favorite Fighting Styles: whatever peter the quick is doing just like everyone else

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