weapons over checked?

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how much testing should be done on an ordinary blue sword?

30 seconds, any questions and it fails
1 minuet, looking into questionable areas
1 minuet, any more and Ill ask what the builder was doing and why its a safe way to do things
more thain a minuet, but thats because im so darn thorough(sp?)
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weapons over checked?

Postby Beowulf » Mon Jan 26, 2004 4:19 pm

ok, i know safety first, fun second, but how much testing does a weapon need to pass?

heres my problem:
the leader of the realm im in is basically a figure, other people herald, other people test weapons, he basically represents us large scale, and does little at home. points for representing large scale though, i know its hard to do. but the guy he put in as main weapon checker has a beef with me, or something. with everyone elses weapons he does a strike check, checks pomel, and tip for loose-ness of foam, and lets it go. when he comes to my weapons he checks it all, and when checkin the tip for core he bends the foam out a lot more than he does on other weapons, ive checked with another build of sword, it takes about the same force to bend to tips the way he does, and i think its way to much, should i get someone to look into what hes doin to my swords, or should i get someone to make him do it to all swords?
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Postby BigBadger » Mon Jan 26, 2004 4:31 pm

Make a new sword, give it to a friend and have your friend get it checked. If he still gives your sword special treatment, it is because you make crappy weapons.
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Postby Beowulf » Mon Jan 26, 2004 4:40 pm

i know i sound like a whiner, but bear with me for this one, i am whining, it doesnt happen often.

i like how our resident vampire builds swords, light, long enough to use without loosin an arm right away, thin handle. so i coppied his, hes cool with it, he actually wants to go to the field with it, mine are basically the same, bigger pommel, long story, every week the checker says to work on something, i do it, i come back next week, and he fails it for something else, i asked for the run down on everything, he says fix part, more later, all that good stuf, other people pass it, but hes the one who got left in charge.
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Postby Soo Ma Tai » Mon Jan 26, 2004 5:15 pm

Man...I gotta agree with Big Badger on this one. Give your weapon to someone else to check.
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Postby Forkbeard » Mon Jan 26, 2004 6:06 pm

So di you sleep with his girl, or somthing personal? Does this animostity stem from outside Belegarth? If so, kick his *. Or get yours kicked and settle it. Then both of you drop it.
If thats not it, Badger is right, switch up weapons with someone else every week. There's no rule that says you have to hand him YOUR sword. Hell the real test is for YOU the guy he doesn't like, to hand him a sword he has already passed. If he fails that, he's a punk. If he's a punk, make an issue of it with the powers that be and get him removed. Then volenteer to be weapons checker yourself, or to help with the job.
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Postby Beowulf » Mon Jan 26, 2004 6:43 pm

actually i said his best friend was ill manered and thoughtless of others, coz if someone had something he didnt like he would destroy it and say it was pointless anyway, hes kinda mean. but the guys defending his friend because hes friends with him, and i still stand by what i said about him.
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RE: Two suggestions

Postby Calarn the Black » Mon Jan 26, 2004 11:16 pm

1. Use one of the various website construction instructions when building your next sword.

2. Report back later. If he's being a pud, call him on it.
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Postby Thorondor » Mon Jan 26, 2004 11:41 pm

Just give him a weapon he passed earlier. Change covers or what ever, just see if it's you. OR, let someone else give him your weapon to check, then use it. If he asks, tell him <insert name> had it checked. OR, have someone else get it checked, then if/when it passes, you bring it back to him to check. If he fails it, call him on it, get him out of the position and you check the weapons (just make sure you are fair to him)

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Postby Camber » Tue Jan 27, 2004 11:09 am

I'd say he's giving everyone in the realm lighter checking than needed. Isn't he checking along the flat side with his thumb for areas where the core can be felt? Isn't he checking for whip? Isn't he checking for sufficient padding on the pommel and wobbleyness, or is he only checking diameter? Is he making sure there isn't any tape on striking surfaces under the cover? That takes more than a superficial check to determine. Since I'm not a weapons checker, I'll stop my list there. But others here can give you other points that he may be neglecting and which a full check should include.
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Weapons check

Postby Satanaka » Wed Jan 28, 2004 11:18 am

There is not a "check a weapon in 3.2 seconds flat"!

I would rather error on the side of safety than to get weapons check finished in record time.

People are people and we all make mistakes. A good Herald should be: experienced at making weapons, using weapons and checking weapons. They should know the rules well and be able to define the rules with in Game play. They should be fair and not play favorites.

I do know that some people that are heralds do not have the experience and are VERY, VERY biased when they check weapons. This is a very bad thing and we should all work to fix this.

As mentioned above- make sure you have a good weapon before taking it up, or get someone else to take it up, or even take a weapon that has already passed earlier that belongs to someone else and see if they fail it due to you bringing it up. Most of all- talk to the person- open and honest.
Not everyone in the game is gonna be your friend- it would be cool- but we have so many people and everyone is different.

Also- it is not good to air your dirty laundry on the UBB- that causes lots of problems for people and realms...

If you have any more questions I would be glad to try to help- via email.

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Postby Mori » Wed Jan 28, 2004 11:45 am

I have had bad experiences with a weapons checker before. My beef with him was that even when he wasn't checking weapons at a given practice he'd still grab whatever I was using (whether it was mine or not) and start feeling the foam and smacking his leg to see if he thought it was legal. He wouldn't even ask if he could see my weapon, he'd just grab it.

The killer, though, was when I went to a local event, Demon Wars. I was participating as one of the demons with a big ol' two-hander (6 feet) that I'd just finished a week or so before. It's got no whip issues, 2" of foam on the striking surface, a pommel that's more than safe, and at least 1/2" of foam everywhere else but the hilt. I talked with the guy running the event (one of my friends), he checked the sword, and it passed. I gave the sword to several other people (regular weapons checkers, most of them) because they liked the look of the weapon and wanted to try it out. They passed it, too.

I finally managed to get over to where the head weapons checker for the event was, which was this guy. He did two hit tests--THAT'S IT--and failed the weapon. He didn't check for feeling the core on the back/sides, he didn't check the tip, he didn't check the pommel, he didn't check for flex--all he did was get hit in the back with this sword with 2+ inches of foam all along the striking surface and failed it.

I told the realm leader and the event organizer and they overruled it and let me fight with the weapon (which I still regularly use). So, the point, is that some people just have a stick up their... well, you know. I would recommend you follow the earlier suggestions and just realize that the guy's probably a putz.
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Postby varadin » Wed Jan 28, 2004 12:17 pm

Just something i do, i ask the person who failed it why. if they dont give an awnser i go to another checker and ask him to check it. Normaly if they wont give you an awnser they are being **** with no reason other then to * you off.
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Postby Forkbeard » Thu Jan 29, 2004 1:02 pm

Morimura, I was there that day, too. The guy your talking about is a turd, he was a problem that day in many different areas and at one point threw a fit and drove away. They he came back and was still a *. He's not gonna be checking anything again. Just because some one's been doing thins along time doesn't make them a "vet".
Have you broken that sword yet? It's too long to be pvc.
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Postby Kage » Fri Jan 30, 2004 12:37 pm

I have to agree with what most are saying. give it to someone else to have it checked and then fight with it.
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Postby Mori » Fri Jan 30, 2004 2:25 pm

Forkbeard wrote:Morimura, I was there that day, too. The guy your talking about is a turd, he was a problem that day in many different areas and at one point threw a fit and drove away. They he came back and was still a *. He's not gonna be checking anything again. Just because some one's been doing thins along time doesn't make them a "vet".
Have you broken that sword yet? It's too long to be pvc.

Nope. It's holding up just fine. It's not solid enough for me to flip somebody with it, but if I'm careful it's not a problem. I haven't had an issue with it yet that I haven't had with previous weapons (stupid tips...)
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